A private island within Amelia Island Florida

Crane Island Builders
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Crane Island Builders

Just The Facts Please

What is Crane Island?

We are an island community within Amelia Island Florida. We will be 113 neighbors strong who all get to enjoy this pristine maritime forest directly on the Intracoastal Waterway. Simply, we care about mother nature and design that never goes out of style. We also enjoy the luxury of a beach you can bike to, a river you jump into, and a whole lot of good in between with Amelia Island & Fernandina Beach.

Who are the Builders?

Crane Island has 4 custom builders to select from. All 4 have decades of experience in their own right and their collective talent represents some of the finest craftsmanship in the region. All have personally committed to embracing the tradition of the Crane Island Style.and all have partnered with world-class design architects who are all very accomplished in the Lowcountry Tradition.

The builder team includes:

Cam Bradford Homes

DF Luxury Homes

Pickett Construction

Riverside Homes



What are the price ranges?

We get this question a lot and so we thought we would get out in front of this. Overall, the community will range with land and home from $750K to $3M+

Pricing Summary

Forest Homesites –         $345,000 – $465,000

Marsh Homesites –         $525,000 – $595,000

Park Homesites –            $425,000 – $750,000

Intracoastal Waterway –   $995,000 – $1,200,000

Home & Homesite Packages From $700’s to $3M

New Construction Budget – $275 to $325 per AC Sq Ft

Interactive Map with Home Pricing Available at: Click for Map

Homesite Pricing & Sales To Date: Click Here

Does this help?

Is there a Community Map?

Is there a map? Yes indeed. We have a little “old school” map (below) and then if you want to have a little fun, try out the “magic map”

Old School Simple Map: Click For Map

Interactive “Magic Map”  Click For Map

Crane Island Home Collection
Appetizer VErsion

Aiken Street

The Broadbent


The Stillwater

The Craven

MDG - Cottage of The Year

What is being offered today?

Once you have established your affinity for Amelia Island & Fernandina Beach and that Crane Island is where you want to dwell the process of purchasing is quite easy. We began this journey about a year ago putting in streets, utilities and getting ready to be able to transfer our land to end users so they can start the process of building. Crane Island received its plat recording on mid-May 2018 and we are now in the process of bringing out 7 new homes starting just after Labor Day and ongoing for the next 2 months. New buyers are in process as well as we have sold 25% of our first 47 homesites and so we wanted to outline the process below.


Step 1

Select Homesite (Marsh, Forest, Park or River)

Available Homesites – Click Here

Step 2

Hire Architect or use a Portfolio Homes Plan


Step 3

Hire one of our 4Builders


Step 4

Build Dream Home (10 to 14 months depending on size)

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